How The Eye Can Signal The Presence of A Concussion?

Adults tend to note the development of eye problems. An adult that has been in an accident should have a sense for the sorts of messages sent by such a problem. A child that has been in an accident might not have that same awareness of what to watch for. Hence, the child’s parents must learn how the eye can signal the presence of a concussion.

• Eye problems that should alert a parent to the possible existence of a concussion.
• Blurred or double vision. This could the sign of a neurological disorder. Speak with the pediatrician about obtaining the name of a pediatric neurologist.
• Sensitivity to light. Sometimes a child’s eyes might be sensitive to light, but that fact only becomes clear when the same child develops frequent headaches.
• Partial of complete loss of vision. This could involve just the appearance of blind spots. Understand that a disturbance of a visual pathway could signal the existence of a neurological problem.
• A stabbing pain in the eyes, or a dull ache around the eyes. Sometimes a child might complain about itchy eyes, rather than eye pain.
• Abnormal eye movements.
• Child has trouble focusing on moving objects. This could be a sign that the body has developed a more serious problem.
• A younger person has trouble shifting his or her focus.
• Child encounters difficulties when trying to process certain stimuli. This can signal a sensitivity to visual motion.

How to respond to such signals

As indicated, some of the above signals should alert a parent to the need for consultations with a pediatric neurologist. Understand, though, that the typical patient must be referred to a neurologist. That referral might come from a child’s pediatrician. Smart parents do not downplay the appearance of such signals. If a parent elects to ignore the message coming from an eye, a mild concussion could morph into a much more serious problem.

Tests used as a follow-up to such problems:

Today, imaging tests, such as the CT scan and the MRI can be used to detect proof of a neurological problem. Parents should heed a doctor’s call for performance of such a test. A simple x-ray will not provide the doctor with any useful information.

Prepare the child that will be visiting a neurologist. Explain that the doctor will need to look into the child’s eyes, using an oscilloscope. The same specialist may also test the child’s reflexes. There are some other tests that the neurologist might administer. For instance, he might ask the young patient to close his eyes, while the physician touches the child’s skin with a needle. Sometimes, too, neurologists check on the strength of the muscles in each examined patient. If there is any accidental injuries, it becomes important to contact the personal injury lawyer in Collingwood to get the damages.