How To Know If It Is Contributory Negligence Or Liability?

Those lawyers that have chosen to specialize in tort law have clients that need to navigate the legal road in a case that concerns some person’s negligence or liability. Often the identity of the liable person or entity has not yet been established. That fact has then opened the door to disputes of all types.

Examples of situations in which it becomes hard to identify the person that should be declared liable

An accident victim wants to sue the driver of the car that hit her. She finds that she has a weak case, because she had neglected to wear a seat belt on the day of that particular collision.
A man who has become the victim of a collision hopes to sue the driver of the automobile that collided with his. His lawyer tells him that he, too, has a weak case. He had agreed to catch a ride home with a friend, even though he knew that his friend was intoxicated, even as that same friend sat behind the wheel of the car.
A car speeds into another driver. After the police arrive, one of those officers realizes that the man in the other car was DUI (driving under the influence). Who should be held responsible?
An automobile gets used by a friend or relative, even though the vehicle’s owner had not agreed to give that same driver the keys to any vehicle. Later the same friend or relative become involved in an accident. Who should be held responsible?

Examples of the sorts of issues that come under dispute in situations where it becomes hard to determine who might be held liable for a given accident

What amount of time will the court system give to the person that feels entitled to sue one of the other involved persons involved in a given accident? In other words, that one person intends to make a claim, and he or she wants to know the timeline for the claim procedure.
A car that has been involved in a minor collision gets hit by a commercial truck. To what degree did the actions of any one person or entity cause that given accident? What percent of the liability ought to be charged to the same person?
Did an employer, a manufacturer or a business owner contribute in some way to creating the situation that appears to have caused a certain collision to take place? If that is the case, then to what extent did any one of them make such a contribution?
Has an insurer done a satisfactory job of carrying out his or her expected duties? Did someone else negligently lose important evidence, such as pictures of the accident scene? The reader can see how each situation could trigger development of one or more issues. A personal injury lawyer in Collingwood must deal with cases that concern such issues. It is important to accurately know who was liable or negligent in such situations as based on that the claim will be settled.