Considerations Made Before The Settling of Dog Bite Injury Claim

Before the negotiating process begins, those that hope to be awarded a sizeable settlement should learn about certain factors. Those are the factors that work to decide the size of such a settlement.

The estimate that becomes important

Those taking part in the negotiations have usually estimated the amount of money that a jury might feel willing to award a plaintiff (victim) at the close of a trial. An insurer might hope to avoid paying that rather large amount of money by accepting a lower settlement.

How defendant’s feelings become an influential factor

Does the defendant feel that he or she might be found liable? In that case, it could pay to accept a settlement. Some animal lover might get placed on the jury, if the case were to go to trial. The setting of a potential trial might increase the chances for the actual occurrence of that imagined possibility.
Defendants assess the level of their risk for losing, should the case not get settled by negotiations. If the victim’s injuries are severe and the defendant’s lawyer has no clear defense to offer, then the two sides should be able to arrive at a settlement figure in a relatively short space of time.

The significance of the extent of the damages

The monetary value of the victim’s medical bills, along with the amount of time that the defendant could not earn a full salary, all contribute to the value of the damages. That figure would be made even higher, if the bite had disfigured the person who had become the target of the dog’s teeth. If the extent of damages is large, the defendant will favor the act of agreeing to a settlement.

Where was the victim bitten?

If a bite had forced a victim to refrain from certain activities, that fact could cause a jury to call for the awarding of a larger compensation. By the same token, the harm done to one particular body part might keep the victim from engaging in some hobby of some recreational activity. Additionally, dog bites can be severe in some cases, where pit bull attacks and mauling have led to disfigurements and limb amputations. That is why it is necessary to discuss your case with a lawyer.
Moreover, the personal injury lawyer in Sarnia for the plaintiff might have focused on some task that the bitten victim could no longer do. Perhaps performance of that same task would have aided the chances for advancement in the defendant’s chosen career. If that were the case, the defendant would probably push for a settlement.