Responsibilities You Assume After Filing A Long Term Disability Claim

This blog pertains to the responsibilities placed on a resident of Canada, if he or she has chosen to file a long term disability claim. If you are such a resident, then you must show the contacted insurance company that you plan to work closely with the physician that will be treating your particular medical problem. The company’s expectations arise from the fact that it will be paying the expected benefits. (more…)

Comparing A Benefit Claim And A Tort Claim

The terms “tort claim” and “benefit claim” may sound vaguely familiar to a resident of the United States, but the two terms hold more meaning for a resident of Canada. Both of them pertain to elements of Canadian law. According to Canadian law, each personal injury claim falls into one of two different categories. (more…)

What Are The Fees of Personal Injury Lawyers?

Hiring a lawyer can be expensive. Most people are aware of that. They also know that in the average personal injury case, the clients pay for their own legal fees. Knowing that they have to put out a large amount of money for proper representation can be stressful for people who have recently been involved in an accident. This is why there are usually payment options when hiring a personal injury lawyer. There are not many people who can afford injury lawyer fees and rates up front. Especially since an unexpected accident leaves no time to save money to pay for a lawyer. The average client will take advantage of a percentage fee to pay for their legal services. This means that they pay a certain amount at the end of the case, and often the amount is a percentage of what has been awarded them. (more…)