Responsibilities You Assume After Filing A Long Term Disability Claim

This blog pertains to the responsibilities placed on a resident of Canada, if he or she has chosen to file a long term disability claim. If you are such a resident, then you must show the contacted insurance company that you plan to work closely with the physician that will be treating your particular medical problem. The company’s expectations arise from the fact that it will be paying the expected benefits.

Responsibilities that relate to your rehabilitation

You must show that you are taking part in the appropriate rehabilitation programs. That means that you will meet with the designated rehabilitation consultant and learn the plan created for you. The consultant’s plan promises to aid your return to the workplace. In the program that you will be asked to follow, you might find one or more of these treatments/therapies:
• Physiotherapy treatments
• Occupational therapy
• Kinesiology treatments
Understand that you must participate in the program laid out in the consultant’s plan. If you feel that any of the treatments or therapies might hinder your recovery, you should discuss those concerns with your personal physician. If your doctor can provide medical evidence that any one therapy or treatment will hinder your recovery, then the insurance company will free you from that one responsibility.
If your disability keeps you from performing those on-job tasks that you had been doing, then you might want to get the sort of occupational therapy that would aid movement into a new job. You can discuss that fact with the rehabilitation consultant. If you are lucky, the consultant will know of special programs that have been made available to members of the local community.

Responsibility to allow for certain contacts to take place

You should not object to any contacts that the insurance company makes with your employer. The insurance company may check to see if you can be given modified duties. It might also make an effort to determine whether or not you can return to work. Do not see the any effort to determine whether or not you can return to work as a threat. It could be a “gift.” If you remain disabled, it provides you with a chance to confirm the ongoing nature of your disability.

Responsibility to take certain actions

You are encouraged to seek other benefits. You or your Personal Injury Lawyer in Collingwood should submit an application to the Canada Pension Plan. Be sure to let the insurance company know the result of that application. You may be asked to appeal a denial of benefits. Discover what new piece of information you might need to bring forward, in order to aid reversal of that denial. You must let the insurance company know if and when you return to your old job. Keep them aware of any changes in your health status.