Why You Must Monitor Your Injuries After An Accident

If you are involved in a collision that seems to be just a shade more serious than a fender-bender, then you may suffer only minor injuries. Still, you should not ignore any such injury; in fact, you should make a point of watching how well it heals. In other words, you need to monitor all of the injuries that you suffered as a result of that accident.
The biology of an injury that resulted from an automobile accident
Injury Lawyers in Collingwood do not usually concern themselves with those facts that should interest a biologist. Still, an attorney must impress on an accident victim the need to monitor any injuries. That same victim needs to understand that an accident puts the human body under a higher level of excitement.
Once the body has entered that higher level of excitement, a large amount of adrenalin and endorphins enters the bloodstream. Those substances provide the human system with increased energy. At the same time, they diminish the extent to which the energized individual can perceive pain.
Hence, the victim of a car accident does not feel the level of pain that would seem to match with the extent of incurred damage to the body. Of course, that diminished level of pain does not last. Eventually, the existence of a painful injury does become obvious. A good lawyer encourages an accident victim to note the extent to which a little-noticed injury has changed into a painful annoyance.

The body parts to watch most closely

When two vehicles collide, the people driving or riding in those same vehicles experience a sudden pressure. That pressure puts stress on their soft tissues. That soft tissue may get damaged, but the damage will not show up immediately.
In fact, the damage to such tissues remains invisible in an X-ray. The damaging effects of the accident make themselves known over time. Their existence comes to light when one or more of a victim’s normal activities triggers creation of an unpleasant sensation.

Stay on top of subtle symptoms

If a driver or passenger hit his or her head on some one of the vehicle’s parts, that same person could suffer a concussion. Because a concussion often produces subtle symptoms, an accident victim must watch closely for evidence of the condition that is linked to a hit on the head. At any time a healthy person might have muddied thinking, difficulty recalling a fact, trouble concentrating or mild headaches.
Unfortunately, all of those are also subtle signs of a concussion. When any one of them gets accompanied by feelings of nausea, lack of energy, blurry vision, dizziness or sleep problems, then an accident victim has real reason for concern. At that point he or she should contact a physician, if that important step has not already been taken.