Advice For Those Filing An Auto Accident Insurance Claim

The act of filling out a form and filing a claim does not sound all that difficult. Still, there are certain activities that a policy holder might want to undertake at the same time. Such activities can strengthen the policy holder’s argument, when it comes time to negotiate with the insurance company.

Actions to take soon after an accident

Call the insurance company, so that your insurer knows what happened. Make a point of reviewing your policy. Write a detailed claims statement. Be sure that it includes as much information as possible on your different injuries. Explain the nature of each injury and the prescribed treatment.
You can add to the value of your statement by adding the accounts given by any witnesses. Naturally, you should also have the names of each witness, along with that same person’s contact information.

Actions to take as you recover

Keep track of what was said during any conversation that you had with someone that is playing a part in either your recovery or your effort to obtain a just compensation. Record what you have told the police. Write down what you have said to anyone at the insurance company, once you have finished talking with the adjuster or anyone that is working with the adjuster. Do not count on the existence of your doctor’s records; keep your own records, concerning your injury and how it has been treated.
Study all of your insurance policies, not just the one that has seemed most relevant to your recent accident. In other words, if you have been in an automobile accident, do not forget to look at the terms of your agreement with the company from which you have purchased health insurance.
Did you take out any policy that was meant to cover you in an emergency? Maybe it was something offered through a financial institution that has connections to the place where you are employed. Perhaps that same policy could be used to cover some of your expenses.
Finally, be honest. Hire a personal injury lawyer in North Bay and discuss with him or her any concerns that you might have. Did you get a call from the insurance company of the driver that hit you? Did that call suggest that the other driver was not being honest? Do not let that become a reason for you to state facts that you know differ from what is the truth.
Normally, the truth reveals itself without your help. The other driver may say that a given accident is your fault, but the damage on your vehicle may indicate otherwise. If you have been honest, your arguments will be strengthened. By the same token, do not hide any desire to question a remark made by your lawyer. You know what sort of pain or other problems you must endure; you know your own medical history as well. Share it with your lawyer.